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MUVI – Baby

MUVI – Baby

MUVI is an Italian artist full of energy, rhythm, and soul. His take on life is, “life is a movie” so yeah, a good movie only becomes great with the right soundtrack.

That was what I felt listening to his song Baby. It’s one of these songs you want to press play and walk out of a situation like a total bad*ss.

MUVI’s music is a combination of dreamy pop vocals, crunchy guitars, and a great amount of fuzz that cuts through the air like a knife cuts butter in the morning.

My first impression listening to Baby was something like “okay, I need to hear this one more time”. The bluesy feel on the vocals, the fuzzy guitars, the tutti’s, and the backing vox are mixed really nice and tight.

I guess I can say I’m a fan, can’t wait to hear more from MUVI.

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