ErikDeutsch Shervin Lainez

Erik Deutsch’s dazzling psych-dub “Little Bell” reflects a jazzy adventure!

Featured photo credits: Shervin Lainez Some music pieces just come from a heavenly space. Erik Deutsch’s Little Bell…

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Cmoneywave and his truthful hip-hop single “ 8:05 “!

After the release of the single “Breathe,” this is the newest single from Cmoneywave. On…

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Morgan Hislop and his danceable odyssey, Bruised Peach!

Morgan Hislop aka the creative London based graphic designer (MTV, Vice, NME and more), DJ …

Teenage Wedding

Listen to Canadian “Teenage Wedding” and their chill-pop Wow! Signal

Although the mystery of the Wow! Signal from the 1970s has been solved, NASA didn’t realize…

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Funky dance music by Jack Roy

At the latest when the jazzy bass line plunges out, even the shyest person standing…

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Olive’s “You’re not alone” just got epically indie-punked by HYMNS!

Squaring the post-punk circle, London based HYMNS flip out an amazing cover song! Olive’s “You’re not…

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The rumbling Matchstick Skeletons, told ya so!

The Matchstick Skeletons came out of the grave swinging. Their debut single has just arrived and…

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Beautiful soundscapes by Heroarky

If you like field-recordings, organic sound, and ambient soundscapes, you’ll love Hikaru by Heroarky. The Tokyo-born…

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Crate digging for a “Russian” heart, we come across the unique All In Orchestra!

And just when you thought you wouldn’t find the next appreciated music masterpiece so easily…